Avika Kavach Yojana 2023
Registration Form, Claim Process

Avika Kavach Yojana 2023
Registration Form, Claim Process
Just as changing weather affects humans, it also has a deep impact on animals. Many animals like sheep become sick and even die due to changing weather. The government has always taken various initiatives for human welfare, but now it is the turn of animals. Like us, animals will also get insurance now. A scheme has been started by the Rajasthan government which will provide insurance for the life of sheep. This is a good news for sheep farmers or sheep owners that they will receive the insurance amount for their sheep.
Scheme Features (Sheep Insurance Policy Features):-
Development of sheep herders:- Sheep herders in rural areas are poor. The death of one or more sheep causes a huge loss in their monthly income. With the advent of this sheep insurance scheme, they will get relief from its losses and their development will take place.
Security of your investment:- The market value of these sheep is quite high. Due to which these farmers do not have enough money to buy a sheep. If their sheep dies due to some disease or natural disaster, then those farmers have to face problems but this scheme will protect their investment.
100% Insurance: – According to this scheme, sheep owners will be able to get 100% insurance on each sheep.
Total number of sheep insured: – Under this scheme, this family can insure 5 units of sheep. One of these 5 units contains 10 sheep. This means that a single cattle farmer can insure 50 sheep.
Premium for insurance: – The sheep owner will have to pay a premium for this insurance. If sheep owners travel with sheep more than 80 km, they will have to pay 0.85% more premium. And if they travel more than 25 km then they will have to pay 1% premium for it.
Insurance amount will be given in the bank account: – All financial transactions are done through the respective bank account. Therefore, in this scheme also, the beneficiaries will receive the insurance amount in their own bank account.
Eligibility for the scheme (Sheep Insurance Policy Eligibility) :-
Residential Eligibility:- This scheme has been started by the Rajasthan State Government for the sheep farmers of its state. Therefore, only sheep farmers living in Rajasthan state can avail the benefits of this scheme.
Income Eligibility:- This scheme has been designed for those people of the state who fall below the poverty line. Therefore, this scheme will provide benefits to those people whose annual income is very low.
ST/SC Candidates:- Only those people who belong to ST/SC group will be able to avail the benefits of this scheme.
Sheep already receiving insurance:- If the animals have already been provided insurance under any other government or private scheme, then they will not be considered eligible for it.
Number of sheep:- Under this scheme, an applicant is allowed to get insurance for a maximum of 50
sheep.Documents required for the scheme (Sheep Insurance Policy Required Documents) :-
Residential Certificate:- This scheme is being implemented in Rajasthan, hence the beneficiaries availing the benefits of this scheme are required to have their residential certificate.
Medical certificate of sheep:- If insurance will be provided for sheep in this scheme, then it is necessary for the applicant to provide the medical certificate of his sheep.
BPL Card:- This scheme is for people coming below the poverty line, hence while applying for it, the applicant will have to submit a copy of their BPL card.
Bhamashah Card:- All applicants are required to give a copy of their Bhamashah Card while applying.
Caste Certificate:- In this scheme, all the people belonging to ST and SC groups are required to submit their caste certificate also.
Insurance Documents:- To apply for this sheep insurance scheme, it is very important for the applicants to fill the insurance registration form. Without this, insurance will not be provided.
Photo of Sheep:- All applicants are required to submit a photo of their healthy sheep with a tag attached to its ear.
Bank Account Passbook: – The amount of insurance given in this scheme will be deposited in the bank account of the applicant. For this, they will also have to submit a copy of their bank account passbook along with the form.
How to apply (Sheep Insurance Policy Application Process):-
To apply for this sheep insurance scheme, all sheep owners are required to fill and submit the application form. To get this form, they will have to go to the office of the State Animal Husbandry Department or the nearest veterinary hospital.
Fill this form here and submit it. Once this application form is submitted, an agent will be appointed by the insurance company.
Sheep owners must have their sheep examined by an animal health care specialist. After this they will provide you with a certificate that the sheep are healthy.
The sheep will be examined by the appointed agent, they will take its photo and a tag will be placed in the sheep's ear to identify the insurance number.
All expenses incurred for tagging and photographing the sheep will be borne by the insurance company. This will be their duty.
How to Claim For Insurance Amount :-
All cattle farmers will have to inform the concerned department about the death of their sheep. This information should be given within 6 hours of the death of the sheep. If the sheep dies at night, he will have to inform the department about it the next morning.
Once this information is given to the insurance company or the state animal husbandry department, an investigator will be appointed by the authority. That dead sheep will have to be examined within the given 6 hours.
If an investigator is not appointed within that time frame, the authority will order a post-mortem of the sheep by a reputable veterinary expert. This can also be done in the state veterinary hospital.
After this, it will be the responsibility of these charges to take a photo of the dead sheep with its owner. In this the tag attached to the sheep's ear should be clearly visible.
After this is done, the insurance policy holder will have to call or SMS to inform the insurance company about it. The applicant is required to keep all his documents ready.
After this the policy holder needs to fill a form as a claim form from the insurance company. In this they should fill all their information correctly and submit it.
After this, along with all the documents, the sheep owner has to submit the death certificate of the sheep, the photo of the dead sheep and the original tag attached to the sheep's ear to the insurance company.
Then all the documents will be checked by the insurance company. If everything is in place, the insurance amount will be provided to the sheep owner as soon as possible.
Sl. M. | Scheme Information Points | Scheme Information |
1. | Scheme Name | Avika Kavach Yojana Rajasthan |
2. | Scheme Launched By | Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje |
3. | Scheme Launched In | 2009 |
4. | Scheme Re-launched in | March, 2017 |
5. | Scheme Supervisor | Rajasthan Animal Husbandry Department |