Chief Minister Investment Promotion Scheme 2023
Toll Free Number, Portal, Registration, Eligibility

Chief Minister Investment Promotion Scheme 2023
Toll Free Number, Portal, Registration, Eligibility
The Government of Rajasthan is currently engaged in working in the industry of Rajasthan, moving forward in this direction, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan has announced to re-launch the Investment Promotion Scheme. This scheme was launched in Rajasthan in 2014 but at present it is being launched again by making some important changes in this scheme.
What is Chief Minister Rajasthan Investment Scheme :-
This is a scheme of Rajasthan which is related to industries. Under this scheme, the government helps those people who want to start a new business or want to expand their existing business by investing more money or want to restart a closed business. Are. In this way, the Rajasthan government is running this scheme to promote investment in industries so that industries can grow in the state and employment opportunities can also be increased.
Chief Minister Investment Promotion Scheme is not a new scheme. This scheme was started by the previous government in 2014, but many problems were coming under this scheme due to which it was becoming difficult for those who wanted to join this scheme to work with it. . That is why by making appropriate changes in this scheme, an attempt has been made to make this scheme much simpler and simpler and it has also been said that it will be brought under all the rules in such a way that people from other states can also come and start business in the state. Can do this because it is being said that earlier opening of new industries under the Chief Minister Investment Promotion Scheme was a very difficult process.
The present government has completed one year and on this occasion the government has given a gift to the people of the state by starting policies like Industry Fund, Ripple Policy and One Stop Shop.
What changes can happen under the former Chief Minister Investment Promotion Scheme? :-
Keeping in mind the biggest challenge being faced in starting industries, the government has ordered changes in the working methodology and the way the officials work.
The government has also given instructions to solve the problems of basic facilities like roads, water, electricity, sewerage etc.
The government has made every possible effort to solve all the problems that are coming in the way of investment so that business can be started at a good level in the state.
At present the government has not published any points regarding its new policies. As soon as work is done in this direction, he will clearly present this plan before the public.
Chief Minister Investment Promotion Scheme Eligibility Rules, Documents and Registration Process :-
No information related to eligibility rules, documents and application process has been given by the government yet. Right now work is going on in this direction, as soon as the work is completed, the scheme will be launched completely by the government so that those who want to take benefits under this scheme will be able to easily register under the scheme.
1 | Name | Chief Minister Investment Promotion Scheme |
2 | Portal | |
3 | toll free number | 0141-2227727 |
4 | beneficiary | New businessmen and investors |