Nai Roshni Scheme - Indian Polity
The objective of the scheme is to empower and instill confidence among minority women, including their neighbours from other communities living in the same

Nai Roshni Scheme - Indian Polity
The objective of the scheme is to empower and instill confidence among minority women, including their neighbours from other communities living in the same
Nai Roshni Scheme
The Government of India implements various kinds of schemes for the welfare and upliftment of all the sections of society which includes minority women specifically those who belong to economically weaker sections
About Nai Roshni Scheme 2022
The Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India has launched Nai Roshni Scheme 2022 for the upliftment of women belonging to minority communities. Through this scheme knowledge, tools and techniques will be provided for leadership development through various training programs. This scheme will empower and enhance confidence in women and help them in adapting leadership roles. This scheme also focuses on the economic empowerment of women so that they can become independent and confident members of society. Under this scheme, various kinds of leadership development training modules will be developed which include life skills, health, and hygiene, digital India, economic empowerment, etc. Women will be provided training through the training institutes under this scheme.
Objective Of Nai Roshni Scheme
The main objective of the Nai Roshni Scheme 2022 is to empower and instill confidence among minority women by providing them with knowledge, tools, and techniques for interacting with government systems, banks, and other institutions at all levels. With the help of this scheme, various types of leadership training will be provided to the women so that they can become self-dependent. This scheme is going to improve the standard of living of women belonging to minority communities. With the implementation of this scheme, women will become economically empowered and confident members of the society
. In the year 2012-13 the Government of India has launched the Nai Roshni Scheme for the women of minority communities. Through this scheme, efforts will be made to empower and enhance confidence in women by providing them with knowledge, tools, and techniques for leadership development. This article covers all the important aspects of Nai Roshni Yojana. You will get to know all the important details regarding the Nai Roshni Scheme 2022 like its objective, benefits, features, eligibility, required documents, application procedure, etc. So if you are interested in getting the benefit of the Nai Roshni scheme then you have to go through this article very carefully.
Leadership Development Training Modules Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- Leadership of women
- Advocacy for social and behavioral changes
- Swachh Bharat
- Legal rights of women
- Life skills
- Health and hygiene
- Educational empowerment
- Nutrition and food safety
- Right to Information
- Economic empowerment of women
- Digital India
- Gender and women
- Women and drudgiri
- Violence against women and girls
- Introduction to government mechanism
Types Of Training Under Nai Roshni Scheme
There will be two types of training that will be imparted under nai Roshni scheme which are as follows:-
Non residential leadership development training
Under this training program, 25 women in one batch from a village or locality who are dedicated, motivated, and committed to working for the betterment and welfare of minority communities will be provided leadership training. In the batch of 25 women at least 10% of the total women should have passed class 10th or its equivalent. If the women who have passed class 10th are not easily available then this will be relaxed to class 5 level. Organizations cannot submit proposals for the training in a set of 5 batches of trainees under this training program. After the completion of training, the trainee women will also have the option to undergo short term skill training in order to obtain sustainable economic livelihood opportunities
Residential leadership development training:
Under residential leadership development training, 25 women will be trained. No more than 5 women from a single village will be selected under this training program. The woman should have at least a class 12th certificate or its equivalent. If the women having class 12th certificate are not easily available then this will be relaxed to class 10th. After getting the advanced training the women are expected to become community-based leaders in the village
Conduct Of The Training Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- Two types of training will be provided under nai roshni scheme
- Those women who will undergo leadership development training will work towards achieving the objective of the scheme
- Organisation is required to carry out nurturing and hand holding for a period of one year under non residential training in order to ensure that the empowered woman will become independent
- The facilitators that are engaged for nurturing and handholding services are required to visit the village or urban locality within the stipulated time and carry out their assignments
- The training will be of following types:-
- Non residential training in village/urban locality:
- By using the existing facilities or rented permanent structure the training will be conducted in the village or locality
- Training will be carried out for 6 days
- Each day will be of 6 hours
- Each batch of trainee will consist of 25 womens
- It is the responsibility of the organisation to take care that the dates of training is fixed in order to avoid any religious oo festivity occasion and demand of season
- Organisation is also required to provide printed training material in the local language
- Selected women trainees will also be provided allowance with a meal and creche arrangement for their children while the training is ongoing during the day
- The selected woman will be imparted leadership training and economic empowerment in non residential training program
- Those women who does not have their bank account the implementing agency would open their bank accounts and transfer the stipend amount into their bank
- Two third of the trainers engaged in the payment should be women
- The trainers to be able to deliver their inputs in the local language of the area
- Residential leadership development training
- The women will be imparted the training in residential training institutes
- The institute must have boarding and lodging arrangement for at least 25 women
- The duration of training will be of five days
- Each day will be of 7 hours
- Each batch will consist of 25 trainees
- Organisation is required to provide a printing training material in local language
- It is the responsibility of the organisation to take care that the dates of training is fixed in order to avoid any religious oo festivity occasion and demand of season
- The scheme is going to cover the entire fees of training
- Trainee will also be provided allowance for the duration of training period
- Those women who does not have their bank account the implementing agency would open their bank accounts and transfer the stipend amount into their bank
Workshop Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- The training organisation is required to organise a half day workshop in collaboration with the district collector/deputy commissioner/sub divisional officer/Block Development Officer
- This workshop will be organised with government functionaries, bankers including panchayati Raj functionaries etc at the district/subdivisional/ block level etc
- The government functionaries will be informed of the remedial action which will be sought by the group of women and how to be responsive in addressing the problems and grievances
- If in a single district more than one organisation is approved for implementing the scheme then the district administrator will give the responsibility of holding the workshop to one of the selected organisations
- It is the responsibility of the selected organisation to ensure that the other organisations will also participate on the workshop
- An amount of Rs 15000 will be admissible to the organisation in order to hold the workshop
- Other than that the Ministry of Minority affairs can also conduct the workshop for sensitizing the PIAs and beneficiaries in order to create the awareness of the scheme regarding the avenues of self employment, wage employment, experience etc
- The Ministry of Minority affairs is going to disburse a maximum amount of Rs 125000 for holding such workshop
Nurturing And Hand Holding Under Non Residential Training
- Organisation will render post training service of nurturing and hand holding for a period of one year
- This training will be provided to those women who have undergone leadership development training
- The facilitators of the organisation are also required to visit the village or locality to assist the empowered women at least once in a month during the period of project and hold meeting with them
- From amongst the group of trainees mahila mandal, mahila sabha, self help group etc will be constituted
- Regular meetings will be held with mahila mandal, mahila sabha, self help groups
- The records of the meetings, attendance, photograph etc will be maintained by the agency
For Economic Empowerment Of Women Under Non Residential Training
- Under the scheme in addition to the above mentioned benefits the organisation is required to identify those women who are willing and can be further trained for any short term training in order to get sustainable economic employment opportunities
- After the identification the organisation is required to provide a short term training to the chosen women
- After the completion of training women will be supported in order to get suitable wage employment or to be self employment as sole proprietor
- Organisation will also assist women on marketing platform
- The organisation who will undergo such training to the women will be provided an amount of Rs 1500 per head
- 50% payment will be made on receipt of Employment letter or documentary proof of self employment
- 50% of the payment will be released after the submission of three regular salary slip of women benefited in case of wage employment and documentary proof of income of three months for self employed
Benefits And Features Of Nai Roshni Scheme
- The Ministry of Minority affairs, Government of India has launched Nai Roshni Scheme 2022 for the upliftment of women belonging to minority community.
- Through this scheme knowledge, tools and techniques will be provided for leadership development through various training programs.
- This scheme will empower and enhance confidence in women and help them in adapting leadership roles.
- This scheme also focuses on economic empowerment of the women so that they can become independent and confident members of society.
- Under this scheme various kinds of leadership development training modules will be developed which includes life skills, health and hygiene, digital India, economic empowerment etc.
- Womens will be provided training through the training institutes under this scheme.
- Since the inception of nai Roshni scheme 3.37 lakh women have been benefited
- Budget allocation and expenditure incurred under the scheme for training in the year 2016-17 was Rs 1500 lakh and 1472 lakh, in 2017-18 was Rs 1700 lakh and Rs 1519 lakh, in 2018-19 Rs 17 lakh and Rs 1383 lakh, in 2019 20 Rs 1000 lakh and 710 lakh and in 2020-21 Rs 600 lakh and Rs 600 lac
Target Group And Distribution Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- Women belonging to minority community that is Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, parsis and Jain
- Under the scheme non minority community women will also be benefit up to a maximum limit of 25% of the project proposal
- The organisation is going to make effort for having a representative mix of women from SC, ST, OBC, women with disability and other community under within the 25% group
- The organisation is also going to make effort to persuade elected women representative from any community under the panchayati raj institution to be included as a trainee
Eligibility Of Organisation Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- The organisation should have prior experience and resources to arrange residential training
- Organisation should have reach, motivation, dedication, manpower and resources in order to carry out training in village or localities
- The selected organisation should arrange residential training courses for eligible women
- This does not preclude Central and state government institute including University and Institute Of Higher learning in participating in the implementation of the scheme
- The organisation should continuously be involved in the availability of facilitators at the doorstep of the target group
- The personnel of the organisation should have to visit the village or locality from time to time
Eligible Organisation Under The Scheme
- Society registered under the societies Registration act 1860
- Public trust registered under any law from the time being in force
- Private limited non profit company registered under section 25 of the Indian companies act 1956
- University/Institution of Higher learning recognised by University grant commission
- Training Institute of Central and state government/union territory administration including panchayati Raj training institute
- Duly registered cooperative societies of women/self help groups
- State channelizing agencies of state government
Implementation Of Projects Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- The Ministry of Minority affairs is going to implement leadership development training scheme through organisations
- The organisations are required to implement the project directly through their setup in the locality or village area
Eligible Women Trainees Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- There will be no annual income
- Those woman whose family income is 2.5 lakh or less will be given preference
- The age of women should be between 18 to 65 years
Required Documents
- Aadhar card
- Mobile number
- Email ID
- Bank account details
- Residence certificate
- Passport size photograph
- 10th or 12th marksheet
Economic Empowerment For Handicapped Minority Women
- The physically handicapped minority women to be identified
- The organisation is going to provide some kind of training to them so that they can get some employment
- This includes broom making, stitching, embroidery, sanitary napkin making, mushroom farming, pickle/papad making, Dona pattal making etc
- The saving habits of womens will also be encouraged with knowledge sharing on bank transaction
- Documents with list of identified handicapped woman along with the copy of their certificate of and the trade in which training will be provided to them are also required to be sent to the ministry
- The duration of special training program will be 1 to 3 months
- This training includes one month training and linkage with local market to sell their produce
- The Ministry is going to provide a sum of Rs 10000 per women for the program
- The fund will release in two installments
- 50% of the payment will be released after submission of list of physically handicraft women along with their certificate and trade in which the organisation will provide them training
- 50% of the payment will be released after completion of training and confirmation of economic empowerment of women
Concurrent Monitoring And Reporting
- The organisation is required to submit monthly or quarterly progress report and project completion report to the Ministry of Minority affairs in the prescribed format
- This report is also required to be submitted to the state and district administrator if required by the Ministry
- The organisation should also send photos of all the important activities of the training program through the global positioning system enable mobile phone
Agency Fees/Charges For Organisation
- Agency is required to submit proposal through online application management system
- The proposal should be for a minimum of five batches of village or locality level training
- Organisation will be entitled an amount of Rs 6000 as agency fees for one batch of non-residential village or urban locality training for services rendered towards proper timely and successful implementation of the project
- In case of residential training an amount of Rs 15000 will be entitled for agency fees for one batch of trainees
Financial And Physical Targets
- Nai Roshni scheme is being implemented through the country
- Special focus is on districts, blocks, towns, cities having substantial minority population
- This scheme is expected to cover 50,000 women in each financial year
- In order to meet the administrative expenditure 3% of the annual allocation will be set aside
Eligibility Criteria For Selection Of Organisation
- The organisation should be duly registered and should have been in operation for at least three years
- The organisation should be financially viable and should not have deficit account during the last three years
- Organisation is required to upload duly audited annual accounts of the last 3 years
- At least one project exclusively for the development of women should have been undertaken by the organisation previously
- Local ground level organisation which are certified by the district collector or urban local body or local authorities will be given preference
- Organisation should have at least 3 key training personnel who should at least be graduate or graduate diploma holder
- The organisation should not have been blacklisted by any government department or agency
- Organisation or any of its head should not have been convicted for any criminal offence
- An affidavit certified by notary should be provided
- If the organisation is providing residential training and then the organisation must have all the requisite residential boarding facilities which should be sufficient for at least 25 trainees
- If the sufficient number of applications from Project implementing agency from Himalayan area, in accessible terrain, north east state or union territories are not received then the secretary can give relaxation in selection criteria
Some Important Information Regarding Registration Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- Organisations are required to register on the online application management system portal
- Organisations can register only once
- The registration will be done through one time password gateway on registered mobile number of the organisation
- After registration, organisations are required to upload all the information about the organisation and submit their application online in order to process their request
Required Documents To Register Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- Number of years of existence and operation of the organisation
- Number of projects implemented by the organisation for development of women
- Performance record of the institution evaluated by any recognised agency
- The number of projects implemented by the organisation in the region/ area/ locality of similar cultural environment where it intends to implement the project under the scheme
- Number of key personnel working for the organisation with an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in social work
- The number of field women workers facilitators working for the organisation
- The number of projects of government, bilateral and multilateral funding Agencies institutions for United Nations funded projects taken up by the organisation
Submission Of Proposal Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- Through online application management system the proposal will be submitted in the prescribed format
- A print of proposal is also required to be submitted to the district collector or District magistrate for their recommendation in the prescribed format
- District administrator is required to ascertain the credentials as per prescribed format
- The district collector or magistrate will also furnish a copy of recommendation to be concerned organisation
- The organisation will submit scanned copy of the recommendation through the portal and complete the process of Online submission of application
- The proposal will be placed before the consideration and approval of the sanctioning committee
- Financial assistance will be given to the organisations whose project proposal are found in order and would serve the objective of the scheme
Evaluation Of Proposals Under Nai Roshni Scheme
- All the organisation data fulfilling the eligibility norms would be examined by the Ministry and placed before the sanctioning committee
- In selection of adequate representation as per quota of census 2011 will be followed for all the states and union territory
- If the overall composite physical target of the minority women in the state or union territory is not utilised then it will be distributed among minority community in other state and union territory
Terms And Conditions For Empanelment And Release Of Funds
- The organisation should have a website which should display all the details of organisation
- Organisation is required to take photos of all the daily activity and uploaded on the portal
- For the implementation of the project proposal in the village and localities the organisation should ensure that as far as possible majority of trainers deployed should be women and some of them from the minority communities concerned
- Prior to the release of the grant in aid the government shall have the right to lay down any other conditions
- Government of India can direct the organisation for making any changes in the program or in the estimate cost
- Organisation is required to submit the copies of pamphlet, publicity material etc in the local language in connection with the training program
- Photographs, video clippings etc as evidence of holding the training program or workshop is also required to be submitted to the ministry
- The organisation is also required to give prior information of the training program to enable officials to be deputed to inspect the training program
- Organisation is also required to insert banners or board indicating that the training is organised by Ministry of Minority affairs Government of India
- On the completion of training the organisation is required to submit utilisation certificate and audit account which are certified by chartered accountant along with the following document:-
- Audited income and expenditure statement/account/balance sheet for the year, including receipt and payment account of the organisation, in respect of funds received during the year
- A certificate to the effect that the organisation has not received any other grant for the same project from any other Ministry/department of the Government of India/State Government/union territory administration or any other government/non government organisation/bilateral/ multilateral/funding agency or United Nations
- It is the responsibility of the the organisation to ensure the eligibility criteria of selected women
- Organisation is required to submit an undertaking in which it should be mentioned that the book for this project will be open for inspection by the officers
- Undertaking is required to be submitted by the organisation that in the event of acting in contravention of this condition it will refund the amount received from the government with 18% annual panel interest or the panel interest prescribed by chief controller of accounts
- Organisation is required to utilise the financial assistance for the specified purpose only
- A separate account is required to be maintained by the organisation for financial assistance released by the Ministry of Minority affairs and shall make the book of account available to the ministry as an when required
- The organisation should have in their position a global positioning system digital camera for taking photographs of all the important activities
Monitoring And Evaluation Of Nai Roshni Scheme
- The mechanism for monitoring the progress and implementation of the project by the organisation the ministry will invite state officials concerned or renowed women or NGOs to the review meeting
- The progress of the scheme will also be reviewed by the sanctioning committee
- The district level committee was constituted under multi sectoral development program who will also monitor the program
- District level committee will also involve people’s representative
- Chartered accountant will also be responsible for financial monitoring of the implementing organisation
- Mid term evaluation of scheme will also be carried out
- Through mid term evaluation the ministry will review the necessity of the training module in a particular area, financial viability of training, maximum number of women who could be trained by an organisation etc
- The empanelled agency of the ministry will carry out impact assessment and evaluation of the project periodically or as and when required
- Such studies will be funded under the existing schemes of research and studies, monitoring and evaluation of the ministry