Get Ration Coupon, e Pass at Delhi Fights Corona Website
The Delhi government has propelled the Delhi Fights Corona website Get Ration Coupon, e Pass at Delhi Fights Corona Website
The Delhi government has propelled the Delhi Fights Corona website
The Delhi government has propelled the Delhi Fights Corona's website. In this article today, we will share with you all the important aspects of the Delhi fights Corona website which has been launched recently by the concerned authorities of the Delhi government. In this article, we will share with you all the information about every aspect of the Delhi fights Corona website has been launched by the concerned authorities to help the fight against coronavirus and defeat the Coronavirus. we will share with you all the step-by-step procedures to get a Ration Coupon and e-pass from the website.
By visiting this entryway applicants can check Ration shop subtleties, apply for Corona e pass for Delhi, and a lot more administrations are accessible on the gateway landing page. In any case, Candidates can likewise check here Ration e-coupon, Containment zones Map, and testing status. Delhi Fights Corona entryway will give news and updates identified with COVID-19 at a solitary stage. The Delhi Fights Corona entrance has begun on 28 April 2020. The reason for this site is to give Delhi residents important data about COVID-19 and help to battle the infection. The primary help of the gateway is giving data on the Ration e-coupon, and COVID-19 travel pass.
The important details of the Coronavirus will be available on the official website of Delhi fights coronavirus. Henceforth individuals can check the Ration Shop list, a Containment zone list, Temporary alleviation community list, and Hunger alleviation focus together with the Delhi Corona helpline number. There will be a huge amount of benefits available for the residents of the city if visit this portal because all information regarding the virus is given on this website and the citizens can gain the benefit from this website.
On the off chance that you are living in Delhi and need to think about which territory is under the Corona regulation zone then you can visit the Delhi Fights Corona site and check all the zone lists. The zone data is accessible on Google MAP. With the assistance of this control zone data, you can abstain from visiting the contaminated territory. All of the information about the contamination is present on the official website for your knowledge. You can check the list of the contamination zones with one click only.
As indicated by the Delhi Fights Corona site, Delhi Government has quite recently opened 21 new COVID Testing Centers. In the event that you are approached to visit a testing community, a specialist will initially look at you and affirm on the off chance that you need a test. On the off chance that fundamental, your examples will be quickly despatched to testing labs. In the event that you are certain of COVID and rely upon your manifestations, the specialist will guide you to the closest COVID emergency clinic. In the event that your test will be negative, at that point, you will be approached to get back. You can check all of this information at the official website of Delhi fights Corona.
The Delhi Government launched the website Delhi Fights Corona on 28th April 2020 (Tuesday), for all the updated information related to Covid-19 on one platform. This website all information related such as Containment Zone, Test Facility, Ration Shops, Temporary Relief Center, Hunger Relief Center, and e-passes services released on It is single window system candidates can apply Free Ration e-coupon and e-Pass Apply & Status through this website online mode.
The purpose of launching the Delhi Fights Corona website is to provide people with relevant information. This website has all the information from A to Z Containment Zone, Delhi Containment Zone, or Kovid-19 Hotspots. There is also a complete update of the locations marked by the government. A message from Delhi Fight Corona has been placed on the home page of the web portal to thank the corona warriors. Anyone wants to know the location of the hotspots will have to click on the name of the place and that location will be shown on Google Maps. So, Delhi state citizens can check all information related to Corona's various epidemics such as ration, e-coupon, Travel e- pass, hotspot locations, and others you can check through this People stay and connected with us regarding the latest update.
All the Citizen of Delhi is informed that the government has released the Delhi Fight Corona Web site with the help of people who can apply for the Travel e-pass and get the e-pass through this web portal or can get easily ration e-coupon via SMS to visit a relief center and receive food. So, all the people regularly visit the Delhi Fights Corona website which is Delhifightscorona. in for getting the daily update information. Here we are provided with all information related to this Delhi Fights Corona web portal you can check and read the whole article for getting all updates regarding the coronavirus epidemic during the lockdown period.
Delhi Fight Corona has complete details about all the necessary services during the Pandemic. Delhi Corona Portal has a complete are wise ration List. All those who are searching for the ration shops in their area can visit the portal and check the Ration Shop List on this portal along with the Location Map. You can visit the official portal scroll down and check the area-wise ration shop list with a single click. If you want to go to the Ration shop you will have to get a Ration e-coupon through SMS.
Amidst all the coronavirus everyone is tensed and wants to know the correct information if their area is a hot spot or not. Everyone wants to know if their area is safe or not. In the portal, there is a feature of Containment Zones where you can see hotspots along with the map. This will make it easier for you to know if your area comes in containment zones and you can be extra careful and take the necessary actions. Containment Zones come under operation SHIELD. There will be door-to-door checking of the areas and it will be updated immediately on the portal.
All those who are interested in the latest announcement made by the Delhi Government know there is an easy way to read the press release. You can read all the press releases on the official portal so that you don’t face any issues or confusion in the lockdown situation. All the press release is first-hand information and hence authentic. You can visit the portal and click on “Press Releases to read all the articles about COVID-19 date-wise.
In this Panadmic COVID 19, Delhi Government has put lots of effort and made some temporary relief centers for all those who are not from Delhi and are stuck here or for those who are below the poverty line or have no homes in all the cases you can go to a temporary relief center. The government will make sure that there is a basic facility in these relief centers. You can check the Temporary Relief Center List area-wise. There is a full list of centers across the city along with the Google Map link.
Corona Panedimic has hit hard on everyone and especially those who belong to the poor section of society. Delhi Government is working hard and making sure that no one is hungry in these difficult times. All those who have no food and belong to the Below Poverty Line, Labourers, etc can go to the hunger relief centers. Official Portal has a full list of Hunger Relief Center area-wise. You can easily check the Hunger Relief center online.
Friends, here we are telling you about the Green, Orange, and Red zones, which things have been banned in these three zones and which things have been exempted, as you know the lockdown was going to open on 3rd May but It has been extended for another 2 weeks because the havoc of Corona is not over yet. This lock down has increased for the third time hence it is being called Lockdown 3.0. In this lockdown zone, many things have been banned and some exemptions have also been given, today we are telling you in detail about all these things.
Not much change has been made in the Green Zone in Lockdown 3.0, it has been given more relaxation than before and many restrictions have been abolished. Only the Green Zone will benefit from them.
Buses will continue to run, only up to 50% of the passengers can be accommodated on the bus.
- The services which were available earlier in the Green Zone will be continued even further.
- Only those works which have been banned across the country will remain closed.
- In the Green Zone too, social distancing will have to be taken care of, staying at a distance of 6 feet from each other.
- There will be no additional restrictions and if no new corona positive case comes in the last 21 days, then that area will remain a green zone.
- Shops of paan gutkha, liquor, etc. can be opened in the Green Zone.
Those areas of the Orange Zone are included in the Containment Zone, in which the infection of corona spreads very rapidly. will have to download it. There will be a ban on the arrival of outsiders in the Containment John, the supply of essential commodities will be continued and medical service will be continued, apart from this the supply of essential items of food and drink will continue.
The Delhi government has proposed the Delhi Fights Corona website. In today's article, we will share with you all the important aspects of the Delhi Ke Vaddha Corona website, which has been recently launched by the concerned officials of the Delhi government. In this article, we will share with you the complete details about every aspect of the Delhi Fights Corona website, which has been started by the concerned authorities to help in the fight against Coronavirus and defeat Coronavirus. We will share with you the step-by-step procedure to get the Ration Coupon and E-pass from the website.
By visiting this entryway applicants can check ration shop details, apply for a corona e pass for Delhi, and much more admin accessible on the gateway landing page. In any case, candidates can check ration e-coupon, containment zone map, and test status. Delhi Fights Corona Entryway will give you news and updates in the privacy of those identified with COVID-19. Delhi Fights Corona Admission has started on 28th April 2020. The reason for this site is to give Delhi residents important data about COVID-19 and help fight the infection. The primary help of the gateway is giving data on ration e-coupons, and COVID-19 travel passes.
Important details of Coronavirus will be available on the official website of Delhi Fights Coronavirus. After this individuals can focus on reducing hunger with a ration shop list, a containment zone list, a temporary mitigation community list, and Delhi's corona helpline number. A huge amount of benefits will be available to the residents of the city by visiting this portal because all information related to the virus has been given on this website and citizens can get the benefit from this website.
On the off chance that you are living in Delhi and need to think about which zone is under corona regulation zone then you can visit the Delhi Fights Corona site and check all zone lists. Zone data is available on Google MAP. With the help of this control zone data, you can avoid visiting the contaminated area. All the information regarding contamination is present on the official website for your knowledge. You can see the list of contamination areas with just one click.
As indicated by the Delhi Fights Corona site, the Delhi government has recently opened 21 new COVID testing centers. In the event that you are approached to visit a testing community, a specialist will initially look at you and confirm that you need testing. On the off chance that the original, your examples will be sent quickly to the testing laboratories. In the event that you are certain to have COVID and rely on your manifestations, the specialist will guide you to the nearest COVID Medical Clinic. In the event that your test will be negative, at that point, you will be contacted to get back. You can see all this information on the official website of Delhi Corona Fights.
Name | Delhi Fights Corona Website |
Launched by | Delhi Government |
Beneficiaries | Residents of Delhi |
Objective | Providing information regarding COVID 19 |
Official Website | |