Solar Krishi Pump Scheme 2022, Maharashtra Chief Minister: Apply Online | Application Form
The Maharashtra Chief Minister Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme was developed by the state government to equip farmers with irrigation facilities.

Solar Krishi Pump Scheme 2022, Maharashtra Chief Minister: Apply Online | Application Form
The Maharashtra Chief Minister Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme was developed by the state government to equip farmers with irrigation facilities.
Under this scheme, the state government has decided to provide 1,00,000 agricultural pumps to the farmers. This scheme is also known as Atal Solar Krishi Pump Yojana. Under this scheme, a target has been set to install 1 lakh pumps in the next 3 years. State Govt. before 31 Jan 2019 Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme Will announce the list of beneficiaries of the scheme and the process of installing solar pumps was started in the first week of February 2019. Interested beneficiaries of the state who want to get solar pumps for irrigation through the solar pumps in their fields under this scheme, then they can apply online by visiting the official website of this scheme and taking advantage of this scheme.
As you know that even today there are many farmers who irrigate their fields with diesel and electric pumps, which they spend a lot because diesel pumps are very expensive. In view of this problem, the state government has started this scheme. Maharashtra Chief Minister Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme 2022under which farmers of the state Solar pumps will be provided by the state government to irrigate their fields. Under the Solar Pump Scheme, the state government provides a subsidy of 95% of the cost of the pump. Only 5% will be paid by the beneficiary. Maharashtra Solar Pump Yojana 2022Farmers’ income will also increase by getting solar pumps through it and they will not have to buy pumps at higher prices from the markets. Due to the presence of these solar pumps, there will be no environmental pollution.
Government of Maharashtra. invites online applications for Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana 2022 at A plan that promises to promote solar energy and provide irrigation facilities to all farmers in the state. Under this scheme, the Maharashtra government has promised to provide a 95% subsidy to farmers for the installation of solar pump sets. All interested farmers can register online for solar pumps and fill out the Atal Saur Krushi Pump Yojana application form to apply online for Mukhyamantri Solar. Pump Yojana 2022 in Maharashtra.
by the state government Maharashtra Chief Minister Solar Agriculture Pump Scheme 2022 was initiated. In which irrigation facility will be provided to the farmers. Through this scheme, the state government will provide solar pumps to the farmers for irrigation and along with this the old diesel and electric pumps will be converted into solar pumps, this scheme will prove to be very useful for the farmers. Under this scheme, the Maharashtra government will provide farmers with 1 lakh agricultural pumps This will make it easier for the farmers to irrigate. The Maharashtra government will also provide subsidies to the farmers under the Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Scheme. If you also want to get the benefit of this scheme, then for this you have to visit the official website of the scheme. You have to go to apply.
Benefits of Maharashtra Solar Pump Yojana 2022
- Benefits of this scheme Farmers of Maharashtra state will be provided to
- All farmers with less than 5 acres of land will get 3 HP pumps and for large farms 5 HP.
- Atal Solar Krishi Pump Yojana In the first phase, the government will distribute 25,000 solar water pumps and in the second phase, 50,000 solar pumps will be distributed. Whereas in the third phase, the government will distribute 25,000 solar pumps to the farmers.
- Under this scheme, solar pumps will be provided to the farmers of the state for irrigation.
- Farmers who already have electricity connections, will not be provided the benefit of solar-powered ag pumps under the scheme.
- Maharashtra Solar Pump Yojana 2022From this, the additional burden of electricity on the government will also be less.
- The old diesel pumps will be replaced with new solar pumps. So that the pollution in the environment will also be less.
- The subsidy given by the government for electricity in the irrigation sector will also reduce the burden on the government.
Eligibility of Atal Solar Agriculture Pump Scheme 2022
- Under this scheme, farmers having land with an assured source of water are eligible. However, farmers with conventional electricity connections will not get the benefit of the Solar Ag Pump from this scheme.
- Farmers of the area who do not electrify the conventional source of energy (i.e. by MSEDCL).
- Farmers from remote and tribal areas
- Farmers of villages are not yet electrified due to NOC from the Forest Department.
- A pending list of applicants applying for a new electricity connection for the ag pump.
- Up to 5 acres 3 HP DC and over 5 acres 5 HP DC pumping system will be deployed in the field of selected beneficiaries.
- Water sources are rivers, streams, self and common farm ponds and dug wells, etc.
Documents of Maharashtra Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme 2022
- applicant’s radar card
- identity card
- residence certificate
- farm papers
- bank account passbook
- mobile number
- passport size photo
You all know that the government continues to issue many schemes to provide maximum benefits to the farmers so that the economic condition of the farmers can be improved and apart from this, the government has set a target of doubling the income of all of them. has done. Today we will give you all the information related to the scheme like How to apply for the Maharashtra Atal Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme, the Benefits of the Chief Minister Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme, and Eligibility for Maharashtra Solar Pump Scheme 2022, Purpose, etc. If you want to know the information, then definitely read the article till the end.
This scheme is also called Atal Solar Krishi Pump Yojana. The government has announced to the installation of more than 1 lakh pumps in the coming 3 years in the state. On 31 January 2019, the list of beneficiaries of the Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme was announced and in this scheme the work of installing pumps from the first week of February. was completed. The applicant will not have to go to any office to apply for this scheme, he can apply through an online medium sitting at home or from anywhere by visiting the portal through his mobile and computer and can provide its benefits.
The purpose of the scheme is that even today, there are farmers in the country who have diesel and electric pumps as a convenience, they use electric pumps to do irrigation work in their fields. Most of all they have to face a lot of expenses because diesel pumps are very expensive and people are unable to buy them, due to which they also have to face losses. In view of this, Maharashtra Agriculture Pump Scheme 2022 has been started. Under which solar pumps will be provided to the farmers of the state. The state government provides 95% of the cost of the solar pump. Beneficiary farmers have to pay only 5%. Our environment will also not be polluted by solar pumps. The goal of the government is to provide every facility to the farmers and increase their income.
Maharashtra Govt is inviting online applications for a solar pump yojana named Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana 2022 at the MSEDCL portal at All the interested farmers can make solar pump online registration and fill Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Pump Yojana application form to apply online for Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana 2022 in Maharashtra. MahaVitaran (Mahadiscom) is the nodal agency to implement this scheme for farmers.
Under Mukhyamantri Solar Krushi Pump Yojana Maharashtra, the state govt. has decided to provide 1,00,000 solar water pumps to farmers. These off-grid solar-powered agricultural pumps would be deployed in a phase-wise manner under Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana Maharashtra. The target of distributing solar water pumps to farmers under the scheme is 1 lakh for the next 2 years starting from January 2022. The state govt. will announce the Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana list of beneficiaries soon.
The State Government will provide farmers with 1,00,000 agricultural pumps under this government scheme. Several solar pumps will be installed in phases as part of the Maharashtra Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Scheme. A target of installing 1 lakh pumps has been set under the Maharashtra Atal Saur Krishi Pump Yojana. The state government will announce the list of recipients of the Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Scheme before January 31, 2019, and solar pumps will be installed starting in the first week of February 2019. Keep reading for more information.
You are probably aware that even today, there are many farmers who irrigate their fields with diesel and electricity pumps, which cost a lot of diesel pumps are expensive. Because of this, the State Government has introduced this project.
Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Yojana was launched by Maharashtra’s Chief Minister in 2022 to provide irrigation to the state’s farmers. The state government provides a grant of 95% of the cost of the pump under the solar pump scheme. The beneficiary will be required to pay the remaining 5%.
As well as increasing farmer income, the Maharashtra Solar Pump Yojana 2022 will also prevent them from having to purchase pumps on the market at higher prices because solar pumps will be provided to farmers. In addition, these solar pumps do not pollute the environment.
Due to the high cost of petrol and diesel, the farmer brothers have to face a lot of difficulties to irrigate their fields, so they use diesel and petrol to do so. The Maharashtra government has launched the Mukhyamantri Solar Krishi Pump Yojana 2022 in an effort to eliminate such problems and make farmers self-sufficient.
Thus, the farmers won’t have to run around for diesel and petrol to irrigate their fields. Solar pumps can be installed on the fields of all of those farmers under the scheme. The state government grants 95% of the price of a solar pump under the Solar Pump Scheme. The farmers will also have to contribute 5%. Through the Maharashtra Solar Pump Yojana 2022, farmers in the state will now be able to increase their income. Moreover, farmers will not have to pay a higher price for solar pumps.
Chief Minister photo voltaic Krishi pump scheme 2022 Mahadiscom. in/photo voltaic Maharashtra CM saur Krishi pump yojana registration apply online, application standing Hello associates. Many schemes have been beginning in Maharashtra to profit the farmers. as we speak we are speaking (*5*) Online Form 2022 has been beginning under the Government of Maharashtra. The most important goal of the scheme is to provide irrigation amenities to the farmer brothers in their fields by the state government, for which photo voltaic pumps will also be available with the help of the government.
Earlier, diesel or petrol-powered pumps were used for irrigation. The cost of which was also excessive and due to the enhance in the worth of petrol and diesel, their expenditure was also growing. In such a scenario, aside from spending more, noise and air air pollution are also growing due to these pumps. Which is another drawback as we speak.
Now to clear up this drawback and to give more advantages to the farmers, Mukhyamantri Saur Krishi Pump Yojana 2022 has been beginning. In such a scenario, there will be a discount on air and noise air pollution on its personal. If you are also a citizen of Maharashtra state. And if you are a farmer, then you can also get benefited by registering yourself according to this scheme.
Today we are writing this article only to give you all the important info associated with the scheme. In this, we will inform you all the issues like the most important issues of the scheme, its eligibility, and the application process so that you too can easily do your application without any problem. But for all the necessary info, you should read our article until the finish, only then you will be ready to know how to register yourself.
Under the Mukhyamantri Saur Krishi Pump Yojana, the state government will provide subsidies to those applicants who are suitable, to take photo voltaic pumps. Because of this, they will not have to pay the complete cost of the photo voltaic pump. And this scheme will get more advantages for them at lesser costs. In such a scenario, the farmer brothers will get a lot of advantages.
Nowadays, with the help of photo voltaic panels, more electrical energy can be saved. As you know, electrical energy is generated from photo voltaic panels by the vitality of the solar. The one-time expenditure for setting this up is the only profit for the citizens in the long run. On the other hand, by making more electrical energy, you can also promote it to the department. In such a scenario, the dream of doubling the income of farmers is what our government is seeing. That will soon come true. Solar Pump Registration (Bihar, Rajasthan) – Ministry of new and renewable energy will be providing the solar pump registration 2022. As we all know that the farmer is very much using diesel and the electric pump for irrigation during their farming. For that, the government will be launching the solar pump for the great boom in the Indian agriculture sector. If you also want to register for a solar pump then read the given below article carefully.
The prime minister of India Narendra Modi Ji will be launching the new scheme for farmers. The scheme will be well known as Mukhyamantri solar pump Yojana. Under this scheme former get register to themselves and harness solar power for prosperous rural India. With the help of this scheme, farmers will not make more expenditure on diesel. As we all know that pumps are used as an artificial means to provide water for irrigation and all the Indian farmer will basically use electric or diesel Genset run pumps which are really costly. For that, the government will be launching the solar water pump which is an effective and efficient irrigation. The government will be providing both DC and ac in the solar water pump. Farmers who are interested and want to register in MNRE Solar Pump Registration can register to form the official website, More details such as the how-to register Solar Powered Water Pump, Helpline Details, benefits, Documents required, etc.
scheme name |
Maharashtra Chief Minister Solar Agricultural Pump Scheme |
started by ink |
Maharashtra Government |
beneficiary |
farmers of the state |
Objective |
Providing solar pumps to farmers |
Application Process |
online |
official website | |