Odisha Labour Card List 2022: Beneficiary Status by Village and District
You can access your labor card details online in addition to reviewing the list.

Odisha Labour Card List 2022: Beneficiary Status by Village and District
You can access your labor card details online in addition to reviewing the list.
This article is dedicated to the labourer (Shramik) of Odisha. Here we are explaining the process to check online if your name exists in Odisha’s registered Labourer list or not. No matter which district of Odisha you live in, given information will help you. In addition to list checking, you can view your labour card details online. Let’s not waste time and get started right away.
The Odisha Building and Other Constructions Welfare Board have finally released the Labour card list for the year 2022-21. So, all the candidates who have applied for the Odisha Labour card can view the list by going to the body’s official portal. Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has announced that 100 to 200 destitute will be provided cooked food in every Gram Panchayat daily and Rs 3,000 as financial assistance to 65,000 registered street vendors in the state.
Here we will provide you with information about viewing the name in Odisha Labour Card List and downloading the beneficiary list. If you are a worker card holder in the state of Odisha then this article is critical for you because, in this article, we will provide all the information about downloading the Labour Card beneficiary list to you. We will give you the link to download the Labour Card beneficiary list according to your district.
To check the Odisha labour card list, you simply need to visit the official website of Odisha Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board on this link and locate the district-wise list of the beneficiaries registered and select your respective district. You can also check your Odisha labour card using the Beneficiary list below by simply clicking on the total number of beneficiaries for your district.
The Odisha Labour Card registration form for a worker who is worked at the building & construction area, with the help of an e-Shramik Labour card to check record the details of the workers who worked at their premises. you can apply online for this card after reading the eligibility form below. In this article, we cover the Lebar card list Odisha online name-wise. So you can easily get it here by searching your name.
All beneficiaries (Shramik Cardholders) get various benefits from the state government. Here are the details :
- Assistance in the case of an accident
- Assistance to the family in event of Death
- Pension
- Medical expenses for treatment
- Assistance with purchasing necessary tools
- Assistance with the marriage of two dependent girl children of the cardholder
- Assistance with funeral expenses
- Maternity benefit to the beneficiaries
- Loans and advances facility for the construction of houses
- Financial assistance for developing and upgrading skills
- Educational assistance
The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria while applying for the Odisha labor card:-
- The applicant must be the residence of Odisha
- The applicant must be above the age of 18 years.
- An applicant must be below the age of 60 years.
- The applicant must be a construction worker.
The Odisha Labour cardholders will be able to get a number of benefits including medical facilities, educational assistance, and financial help. Here’s a list of all the benefits that Odisha Labour cardholders can avail:
- Assistance in the case of an accident
- Death benefit
- Pension
- Medical expenses for treatment
- Maternity benefit
- Availing loans and advances for the construction of houses
- Financial assistance for developing and upgrading skills
- Educational assistance
- Assistance with purchasing necessary tools
- Assistance with the marriage of two dependent girl children of the cardholder
- Assistance with funeral expenses
Odisha’s government implements a variety of initiatives in order to provide various benefits to the state’s labourers. Odisha Labour Card List 2022 was recently released by the state government. The government will provide various types of rewards to all residents whose names appear on the Odisha Labour Card List. We will discuss all of the crucial components of the list with you in this article. By reading this post, you will also learn about the benefits of the Odisha labour card, its aim, beneficiary status, characteristics, eligibility, and required documents. So, if you want to check your name on the labour card list, you should follow the steps outlined in this article.
The Building and Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act was enacted to regulate the business and administration of building and other construction workers It also takes into account their health, well-being, and government aid programs, among other things. The B&OCWW Cess Act has been directed to accommodate the duty and collection of Cess on the cost of development work in order to increase the assets required for the Orissa Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board to extend the government support benefit to development laborers.
The Demonstration of Structure and Other Development Laborers (RE&CS) was established to control the business and state of administration of Building and Other Development Laborers, as well as to accommodate their security, well-being, and government assistance measures, as well as other issues related to or incidental to their work. Odisha’s Construction and Labour Departments look after all of the leaders who work for them and give them various opportunities and assets.
Laborers of any category working in Odisha state, and if they are engaged in daily labor, can register themselves under the labor department by applying for an Odisha shark card. After the completion of the registration process, they will be entitled to benefits under the labor card. Any laborer who makes daily wages or does work related to building construction can register themselves through the portal of the Odisha Department of Labour. Before registering for a labor card, make sure that you have the certificate in which village, town, or place you work as a laborer.
And then the benefit amount is deposited directly into their account. After getting all the registration forms, authorities release the Odisha labor card list. Explore more details concerning the labor card list of Odisha from the post written below.
Building and Construction Worker Department is responsible for releasing the labor card list in Odisha state. There are a huge number of workers living in the state who seriously needs the labor card advantages. Also, these candidates have applied for shark cards and waiting for the list to announce. The labor card list contains the name of all those applicants who have submitted the application form and are eligible.
Authorities have issued labor cards to the candidate having a name on the list. There are 32 districts in Odisha, and the labor list will announce separately for every district. Interested applicants can download the Shramik list from the official portal. Or we will also provide a district-wise direct link here too.
Summary: The Labour and Employment Department is the Nodal Department for implementation of the Building and Other Construction acts that have been enacted to regulate employment and condition of service of building and other construction workers and provide for their safety, health, and welfare measures, etc.
All Candidates who are willing to apply online application then download the official notification and read all eligibility criteria and application process carefully. We will provide short information about “Odisha Labour Card 2022” like Scheme benefits, Eligibility Criteria, Key Features of the Scheme, Application Status, the Application process, and more.
Odisha Labor List 2020 | Check/Search Name Online in Odisha Shramik List (All Districts): Labour and Employment Department is the Nodal Department for implementation of the Building and Other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996 and Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996 The B&OCW (RE&CS) Act have been enacted to regulate of employment and condition of service of Building and Other Construction Workers and to provide for their safety, health and welfare measures, etc and the B&OCWW Cess Act has been enacted to provide for the levy and collection of Cess on the cost of construction work with a view to augment the resources required for extending the welfare benefit to the construction workers by the Orissa Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board formed by the Govt.
Odisha government has released the new Odisha Labour Card List 2022 at labour.odisha.gov.in. Now people can download the entire Odisha Labour Card List 2022 from the official website. For all those building/construction workers whose name is not present on the list, there is no need to worry. All such labourers can now download the Shramik application form for registration of building and other construction workers. Moreover, people can now download Shramik Card Online comprising all the beneficiary details.
The labourers must enrol themselves with Odisha Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. Several other forms for labourers to apply online such as accident form, death benefits form, major ailments form, and funeral expenses form are also present. After downloading and submitting the forms to the concerned authorities, labourers would be registered with the board and can get various benefits.
In addition to this, labourers can also download scheme forms to avail of benefits such as education assistance, maternity benefit, marriage assistance, working tools, safety equipment and bicycle. Here we are giving you the direct links to download the list of Odisha labourers.
Odisha Labour Card List 2022 and the beneficiary list are available online at Odisha Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board, Government of Odisha's official website labour.odisha.gov.in. The B & OCW (RE & CS) Act has been established for the management of the building and other construction workers and the state. It also accommodates their well-being and government support measures, and so forth. Orissa Bhawan and other Employees Workers Welfare Board have been ordered to adjust the duty and classification of cess at expense of development work under the Cess Act to expand the assets required to provide government assistance benefits to development labourers.
Name of Post | Odisha Labour Card List 2021 |
Card Name | Odisha Labour Card |
Official Portal Link | bocboard.labdirodisha.gov.in |
Year | 2021 |
Scheme Initiated by | Orissa Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board |
Mode of Releasing Shramik List 2021 | Online |
Recipients | Construction Labours of Odisha State |
The objective of the Labour Card | To provide financial assistance to working labour of the state |
Category of Article | Odisha Govt.Scheme |
State | Odisha |