UDID card: Process to apply and benefits
The government has chosen to keep a database of all specially-abled people and create a UDID Card.

UDID card: Process to apply and benefits
The government has chosen to keep a database of all specially-abled people and create a UDID Card.
The fundamental goal of the UDID card is to keep a nationwide database of disabled people and give them a distinctive disability identity card. This program will promote openness, speed, and ease in delivering government benefits to people with disabilities. This card will aid in tracking beneficiaries’ physical and financial success at all levels, while the database will aid the administration in planning and launching various types of disability-related programs.
A UDID card is a Unique ID for Persons with Disabilities. It is a single document for the identification and verification of a disabled person to access various benefits. The card contains all necessary details about a disabled person and bypasses the need for carrying multiple documents. The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities initiated the UDID project to encourage transparency, efficiency, ease of delivering the government benefits to the person with disabilities, and also to ensure uniformity.
"Unique ID for Persons with Disabilities" project is being implemented with a view to creating a National Database for Persons with Disability(PwDs) and issuing a Unique Disability Identity Card to each person with disabilities. The project will not only encourage transparency, efficiency, and ease of delivering the government benefits to the person with disabilities but also ensure uniformity. The project will also help in streamlining the tracking of the physical and financial progress of beneficiaries at all levels of the hierarchy of implementation from the Village level, Block level, District level, State level, and National level.
The objective of this project is to enable the PwDs to obtain the new UDID card / Disability Certificate to avail of schemes and benefits provided by the Government through its various Ministries and their Departments. This card will be valid pan-India. The UDID portal shall be designed to provide an online platform for the following:
As per the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act, 1995 - A person with a disability can be defined as one with one or more disabilities falling under any of the below-mentioned categories :
- Blindness:- "Blindness" refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions namely:-
- The total absence of sight; or
- Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; or
- Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse;
- Cerebral Palsy:- "Cerebral Palsy" means a group of non-progressive conditions of a person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the pre-natal, peri-natal, or infant period of development;
- Low vision:- " Low vision" means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with the appropriate assistive device;
- Locomotor disability:- "Locomotor disability" means disability of the bones, joints, or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy;
- Leprosy-cured:- "Leprosy-cured person" means a person who has been cured of leprosy but is suffering from-
- Loss of sensation in hands or feet as well as loss of sensation and paresis in the eye and eye-lid but with no manifest deformity;
- Manifest deformity and paresis but having sufficient mobility in their hands and feet to enable them to engage in normal economic activity;
- Extreme physical deformity, as well as advanced age prevents him from undertaking any gainful occupation and the expression "Leprosy Cured", shall be construed accordingly;
- Mental retardation:- "Mental retardation" means a condition of arrested or incomplete development of the mind of a person which is especially characterized by sub normality of intelligence;
- Mental illness:- "Mental illness" means any mental disorder other than Mental retardation
- Hearing Impairment:- "Hearing Impairment" means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies
The state and Central Governments launch various kinds of schemes for persons with disabilities. There are many citizens throughout the state who are not able to take benefit from these schemes because of a lack of awareness or any other reason. So the government has decided to maintain a database of all the persons with disabilities. For this purpose, the government is going to make a UDID Card. All those citizens who will have UDID cards will be able to take advantage of various government schemes. Through this article, we are going to provide you with complete details regarding the UDID card like its objective, benefits, features, eligibility criteria, required document, online registration, login, track status, etc. So if you are interested in applying for a UDID card then you are requested to go through this article very carefully.
Benefits And Features Of UDID Card
- UDID or unique disability ID is a card that is provided to the persons with disabilities
- The department of empowerment of persons with disabilities is responsible for issuing this card
- All the citizens who are having this card will be able to take the benefit from all the government schemes which have been launched for them
- The government will also have a national database of all the persons with disability which will help the government in implementing and launching various kinds of schemes
- Now persons with disability are not required to make multiple copies of various documents and maintained and carry them as this card will capture all the necessary details which can be decoded with the help of a reader
- In order to avail benefits of various kinds of schemes in the future, this card will be a single document for identification and verification
- This card will also help in tracking the physical and financial progress of the beneficiary at all the levels
- UDID card will make available the data of people with disability across the country through a centralized web portal
- Citizens can online fill out and submit a registration application
- Offline applications will also be accepted and digitized by the agencies
- Citizens can also renew and update the information through the online mode
- This card will also help to prevent the duplication of data
Workflow Of UDID Card
- Persons with disability are required to register on the web portal
- After registration citizens can apply online for a disability certificate and UDID card
- Citizens can also track the status of their application
- Request for renewal of disability certificate or UDID card will also be entertained through the portal
- If the card is lost then the citizen can request to issue another card through the portal
- Citizens can also download and print the UDID card
- CMO office for medical authorities can also be located with the help of the portal
- The latest announcement can also be viewed through the portal
- The information submitted through the portal will be used by the disability certificate issuing authority in order to issue the certificate and UDID card electronically
- The CMO office or medical authorities will receive the application from the beneficiaries
- After the necessary verification, the persons with disabilities will be referred to a designated specialist or medical board for disability assessment
- After assessment, the assessment details will be submitted and a disability certificate or UDID card will be issued electronically
- The district welfare officer or district social officer will be responsible for using the portal in order to facilitate persons with disabilities in getting disability certificates or UDID cards by means of providing applications received in counter facilitating in camp
- This portal will also facilitate the implementation of various schemes which is meant for persons with disability
- The application will be used by the district collector to monitor the implementation of the project and its effectiveness
The Unique Disability Identity Document or Swavlamban Card is a beneficial initiative of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. Unique Disability ID card is for People with Disabilities and makes their operations in society much easier. Read this article to know more about the UDID and its registration procedure, eligibility, benefits, login, card status, etc.
Persons with Disabilities always had to carry certain necessary documents to prove their underprivileged to gain social consideration. This was a complicated method for the citizens of this category. For the comfort and ease of these citizens, the government has introduced Unique Disability Identity Document. This will be a precise ID card that will be issued only to disable people. Instead of carrying the load of documents, they can rather carry this ID card. This ID Card will contain all the necessary documents that the disabled require to prove their inabilities.
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India is constantly striving for the betterment of Indian Citizens. “Disability” is a less focused subject in the Indian Constitution but the ministry has always been proactive in this sector. As a result, on 12 May 2012, the ministry separated the Department of Disability Affairs (Nishaktata Karya Vibhag) for better functioning. Cabinet Secretariat’s Notification changed the name of the department on 9th December 2014 to the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Viklangjan Sashaktikaran Vibhag). The department has been taking measures in favor of the concerned category since then and now they have introduced UDID.
Alteration in thinking, analysis, orientation, mood, or memory that impairs judgment, behavior, recognition capacity, or ability to meet the ordinary life demands. It excludes retardation which is a condition of arrested or incomplete development of the mind of a person, especially identified by subnormality of intelligence.
The population percentage of differently-abled people in India is approximately 2.2% and they have to undergo time-consuming procedures for obtaining documents. There are various documents that they further need to carry with them to avail themselves of the government-aided benefits. The government discarded this complicated process to issue a unique ID Card only to disable people. This detailed ID card will contain all the documents which a reader will be able to decode. This ID Card will not only verify the disabled people but also help them in availing beneficial schemes of the government.
The prime objective to provide the UDID or Swavlamban Card is to enable PwDs to avail all the disability beneficiary schemes. These cards will provide availability of details pan-India through a centralized web portal which will result in effective management. The Ministry will also get a proper database of details of citizens of this category. Eventually, they will be able to maintain a record of the physical and financial progress of the registered beneficiaries.