Online Registration, Login, and All Benefits for the Food Safety Mitra Scheme 2022
A Food Safety Mitra Scheme has been launched by India's food safety and standard body.

Online Registration, Login, and All Benefits for the Food Safety Mitra Scheme 2022
A Food Safety Mitra Scheme has been launched by India's food safety and standard body.
In order to motivate individuals to enable a food safety ecosystem the food safety and standard authority of India have launched a Food Safety Mitra Scheme. Under the scheme, an individual will be assigned to undertake training and obtain an FSSAI certificate in order to perform activities on behalf of food business operators. This article covers all the important aspects of food safety Mitra yojana. You will get to know how you can take advantage of the food safety, Mitra, by going through this article. Other than that you will also get details regarding its objective, benefits, eligibility criteria, required documents, application procedure, etc. So if you are interested to get details regarding the food safety Mitra scheme 2022 go through this article very carefully till the end.
AFood Safety Mitrais an individual who is provided training and an FSSAI certificate so that he or she can perform activities on behalf of food business operators relating to food safety and standard act, regulation, and rules implementation in order to establish a food safety ecosystem. The food safety and standard authority of India have launched a food safety Mitra scheme in order to help the food business operators in obtaining FSSAI registration, FSSAI license, training, and auditing hygiene at various Institutional which include colleges, schools, and corporate campuses. There will be three categories of food Mitra which will be digital Mitra, trainer Mitra, and hygiene Mitra.
The main objective of the Food Safety Mitra Scheme is to equip individuals so that they can perform activities on behalf of FSSAI. These individuals will help food businesses with their compliances. Other than that individuals will also provide training regarding food safety processes. Hygiene Mitra will also be equipped under this scheme so that they can become hygiene auditors. Hygiene Mitras will also be engaged with food service establishments and campuses in order to carry out food hygiene audits and provide ratings. This scheme will improve the quality of food that will be offered to the public
Benefits And Features Of the Food Safety Mitra Scheme
- A Food Safety Mitra is an individual who is provided training and an FSSAI certificate so that he or she can perform activities on behalf of food business operators.
- These activities will be related to food safety and standard act, regulations, and rules implementation in order to establish a food safety ecosystem.
- The food safety and standard authority of India has launched the food safety Mitra scheme in order to help the food business operators
- The food business operators will get help in obtaining FSSAI registration, FSSAI license, training, and auditing hygiene at various Institutional which include colleges, schools, and corporate campuses.
- There will be three categories of food Mitra which will be digital Mitra, trainer Mitra, and hygiene Mitra.
- Various types of services will be provided by food safety mitras
Digital Mitra
- Filing of applications
- Online correspondence
- Application for modification of license or registration
- Annual returns of declaration
- Application for approval of product/label/advertisement claim
- Appeal for revocation of suspended license or registration
Trainer Mitra
- Providing training for food safety supervisor
- Providing training at eat-right campuses
- Conducting training of food safety personnel in business on demand
Hygiene Mitras
- Audit the hygiene of food business operator outlets
- To help food business operators with the implementation of hygiene guidelines
- Train the food safety supervisors and food handlers regarding safe and hygienic food handling practices
Renewal And Cancellation Of Food Safety Mitra Certification
- The validation of the FSM certificate will be for 2 years
- The food safety Mitra are required to undergo certain training
- In order to ensure that the FSM is invested in the success of the scheme and goals a fundamental security deposit will be collected at the time of certification
- This deposit will be Rs 5000
- If the food safety Mitra chooses to exit from the scheme then the security deposit will be refunded
- The food safety Mitra can continue to act as the Mitra under this scheme until the certificate issued to him is suspended or withdrawn or this scheme is withdrawn or the certificate is expired
- If there is any complaint on the assessment of the performance of the food safety Mitra then a penalty will be imposed
- Applicant must be a graduate in food technology, science, Food Science, Microbiology, biology, chemistry, or other related subjects
- Those individuals who are graduates in other streams must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the relevant Food industry
- Applicant must have minimum 3 years of training experience on hygiene and food safety including HACCP and other similar food safety system
- Individuals must have knowledge of FSS regulations and rules
- Candidate must be available for training for at least 20 days in a year
- Applicant must be a graduate in food technology, science, Food Science, microbiology, biology, or chemistry subjects
- Those individuals who are graduated in other streams must have 7 years of experience in the relevant Food industry
- Individuals must have minimum 5 years of training experience in hygiene and food safety including HACCP, FSMS, and other similar food safety systems in the relevant Food industry
- Individuals must have knowledge of FSS regulations and rules
- Candidate must be available for training for at least 20 days in a year
- Applicant must be a graduate in food technology, science, Food Science, Microbiology, or chemistry subjects
- Those individuals who are graduates in other streams must have a minimum of 7 years of work and implementation experience in a particular industries sector
- Individuals must have 5 years of training and implementation experience on the food system and safety regulations in the particular industry sector
- Individuals must have knowledge of FSS regulations and rules
- Candidate must be available for training for at least 20 days in a year
Food Safety Mitras will engage a set of FBOs → 25 lakhs by providing those services such as licensing, registration, hygiene rating and training, etc. An FBO will spend less than Rs 2000-3000 for these services resulting in a new service sector worth at least Rs 500 Cr being created.
Through the Food Safety Mitra scheme, we are creating a transparent, accountable & organized ecosystem supporting food businesses. This will enable FBO to locate service providers in their vicinity, standardized services available, and a fair price for use of these services. In case of grievances or queries, we will be creating quick resolution practices & guidelines – thereby significantly improving the ease of doing business for FBOs.
As FSSAI improves the compliance environment and pushes for regulatory compliance, FBOs will discover trained service providers at fair prices – lowering the costs of compliance. Food Safety Mitra which generates income from these services also has their skin in the game to promote compliance with FBOs. Through a feedback loop, we sustain this transparent marketplace of FBOs and FSMs. FSMS could also play a very important part in ensuring campaign success for different schemes/ goals of FSSAI by creating awareness
Through the Food Safety Mitra scheme, we will create a last-mile self-driven & self-employed compliance structure that complements the work of FSSAI and the State food authorities. It also provides an opportunity for FBOs to engage service providers to get quick resolution for their applications, queries, training needs or hygiene rating,s, etc.
Summary: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has recently launched the food safety Mitra scheme. The Food Safety Mitra Scheme was mainly started to provide support for the small and medium food business in compliance with the food safety laws by providing licensing and registration, hygiene ratings, and training facility.
All Applicants who are willing to apply online application then download the official notification and read all eligibility criteria and application process carefully. We will provide short information about “Food Safety Mitra Scheme 2022” like Scheme benefits, Eligibility Criteria, Key Features of the Scheme, Application Status, the Application process, and more.
Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has started Food Safety Mitra (FSM) Scheme 2022 to improve the ease of doing business. Now people can apply online to become either Digital Mitra or Hygiene Mitra or Trainer Mitra. The FSM Scheme 2022 online registration process has already started at the official website All the interested candidates can check FSM scheme eligibility, roles & responsibilities. certification process and details of renewal.
In order to motivate individuals to enable a food safety ecosystem the food safety and standard authority of India have launched a Food Safety Mitra Scheme. Under the scheme, an individual will be assigned to undertake training and obtain an FSSAI certificate in order to perform activities on behalf of food business operators. This article covers all the important aspects of food safety Mitra yojana. You will get to know how you can take advantage of the food safety, Mitra, by going through this article. Other than that you will also get details regarding its objective, benefits, eligibility criteria, required documents, application procedure, etc. So if you are interested to get details regarding the food safety Mitra scheme 2022 go through this article very carefully till the end.
A Food Safety Mitrais an individual who is provided training and an FSSAI certificate so that he or she can perform activities on behalf of food business operators relating to food safety and standard act, regulation, and rules implementation in order to establish a food safety ecosystem. The food safety and standard authority of India have launched a food safety Mitra scheme in order to help the food business operators in obtaining FSSAI registration, FSSAI license, training, and auditing hygiene at various Institutional which include colleges, schools, and corporate campuses. There will be three categories of food Mitra which will be digital Mitra, trainer Mitra, and hygiene Mitra.
The main objective of the Food Safety Mitra Scheme is to equip individuals so that they can perform activities on behalf of FSSAI. These individuals will help food businesses with their compliances. Other than that individuals will also provide training regarding food safety processes. Hygiene Mitra will also be equipped under this scheme so that they can become hygiene auditors. Hygiene Mitras will also be engaged with food service establishments and campuses in order to carry out food hygiene audits and provide ratings. This scheme will improve the quality of food that will be offered to the public
Hii there! Today, we are discussing FSSAI’s newly launched scheme, Food Safety Mitra. Apart from giving the basic details of this scheme, we will share the information regarding Digital Mitra, Trainer Mitra & Hygiene Mitra recruitment. We will be telling you about the eligibility criteria and educational qualifications. By the end of this article, you will know how to complete the Food Safety Mitra training (certificate) program.
Every type of Food Safety Mitra has a specific job role. Digital Mitra will handle digital aspects i.e. New applications for Licence/Registration, editing applications, filing annual returns, etc. Training Mitra is responsible for conducting training of food safety supervisors, conducting training at eating right campuses, and conducting training of food safety personnel. Hygiene Mitra will be responsible for Hygiene auditing. He/she is also responsible to train the food safety supervisors and food handlers about safe 7 hygienic food handling practices.
FSSAI has launched Food Safety Training & Certification Program (FoSTaC) to increase the number of trained and certified food safety supervisors to 10 lakhs from the existing 1.55 lakhs. This 5x growth will require a new pool of trainers to satisfy the demand for training as supervisor training becomes a compliance norm. Through FoSTaC under the Food Safety Mitra initiative, we aim to inboard individuals as FSM trainers with domain knowledge of the food safety processes to become trainers through our “Train the Trainer” programs. With upskilling of these food industry professionals, they will become catalysts to ensure food safety habits reach a larger set of food professionals. They will also be certified as FSM.
The hygiene rating of food service establishments is one of the key goals of the “Eat Right India” movement. There are currently only 600 establishments that have undergone such rating audits and the goal is to scale this 100x or more. To achieve this stretched compliance goal, we plan to engage individuals with relevant domain knowledge as FSM for Hygiene audits. They will engage with food service establishments & campuses for food hygiene audits and provide an FSSAI-designed hygiene rating through a technology-enabled transparent audit process.
As a key strategic priority on the consumer side, empowering consumers will require awareness campaigns through campuses, social media & mass media platforms. Even though it may not pat financially, there are great social returns to ensuring that the community around you is eating right. Through the Food Safety Mitra scheme, we plan to engage enthusiastic individuals as our campaign ambassadors for community & consumer-focused initiatives.
In a bid to improve the ease of doing business, the apex food regulator Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) on Wednesday launched a scheme –Food Safety Mitra (FSM). The scheme will support small and medium-scale food businesses in compliance with the food safety laws.
FSSAI has said that the scheme will lead to improved ease of doing business by creating a transparent and organized ecosystem supporting food businesses wherein food businesses will be able to get trained service providers at fair prices – lowering the costs of compliance.
“Apart from strengthening food safety, this scheme would also create new employment opportunities for youth, particularly with food and nutrition background. The FSM would undergo training and certification by FSSAI to do their work and get paid by food businesses for their services,” said Pawan Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer, FSSAI.
“FSM opens a new dimension to food safety administration by augmenting government capacity and providing services to food businesses, particularly small and medium food businesses in the area of registration and licensing training, and hygiene rating. Through FSM, FSSAI plans to engage motivated individuals with the food safety ecosystem at ground level,” he said.
A Food Safety Mitra is an individual professional certified by FSSAI who assists in compliances related to FSS Act, Rules, and regulations with three avatars viz. Digital Mitra, Trainer Mitra, and Hygiene Mitra depend upon their respective roles and responsibilities.
The FSSAI has also written to various states to implement the scheme properly. It has asked that in order to kick start the scheme, the assistance of the Network of Professionals of Food and Nutrition in India chapters of respective States (where ever they exist) may also be taken.
With the second-largest population in the world (and likely to become the largest within the next few decades), India promises to be one of the largest food markets in the world. With 32 lakh registered food business operators and unregistered businesses of multitude proportions in the informal economy, it poses interesting challenges and opportunities for food safety regulations. With FSSAI adopting a paradigm shift in its approach, ways of working, and regulation, the focus has shifted to being an “enabler” for the food ecosystem. There is fundamental clarity that working on its own, the scale of impact will be limited and FSSAI needs to engage with and collaborate with a larger set of stakeholders to unlock the true potential of the food sector.
As a strategic priority of the “Eat Right India” movement, one of the aims of strengthened compliance is to take the number of licensed/registered food businesses to 60 lakhs from the current 32 lakhs. This cannot be achieved unless the FBOs find it easy to register/ license / renew while using the IT platforms of FSSAI. With low awareness of compliance requirements and a lack of digital literacy, several registered and non-registered FBOs are likely to rely on different agencies and individuals. In the past, there have been complaints that FBOs are over-charged for these services or are provided a poor quality of service.